Auction 105 Highlights

Welcome to Smalls Auctions Sale 105.


We will again be running this Sale over two weeks to enable us to complete the renovations of our Gallery which will incorporate a Café. Visitors to Smalls Auctions will soon be able to partake of a Macchiato or Flat White while they inspect the Auction lots on offer. Hopefully, we will be fully functional by Christmas.

We have an interesting selection of items in this Sale covering vintage cameras and photography in general across a number of subject areas. There are contemporary photographs of Australian Aborigines, Boxing luminaries, Colonial landscapes, Pop Culture, and the desolation of War. It is said that ‘a picture paints a thousand words’ and certainly history since the advent of photography has benefitted greatly in capturing the moment. Certainly, the famous ‘Visor Shot’ which reflects the Astronaut ‘Neil Armstrong’ taking a picture of ‘Buzz Aldrin’ on the surface of the Moon must surely rank as one of the most famous photographs ever shot. Aldrin has hand- signed the photograph for posterity.

Gold still continues to bedazzle, and we have a good run of Australian Half Sovereigns and Sovereigns to entice collectors.

There is also a very good selection of ‘Australiana’ Jewellery featuring Kangaroos, Emus and Koalas mostly in Sterling Silver as well as some patriotic Gold fobs that were popular around 1901 when the Federation of Australia was formed. Australia like the United States is a federation of states, but our preferential voting system which is also compulsory makes it virtually impossible for the crazies of the extreme right or left to gain power. It has been captivating watching the manoeuvrings in the recent U.S. elections, but I think that is enough said on this topic.

We hope you find something to interest you.

Smalls Auctions